In today’s press release (rant release) I am going to be talking about Empowerism. Now it’s not all bad, most of it is, but the lesson that you can take away is a gem.
Now if like me you got badly burned buy those guys in Empowerism (or that woman – rather), and most did, then you have every right to be upset. Why start a company promising so much and not delivering on that – I mean so many people lost allot of money believing in something that was never to be. Just logging in and looking at the payout values (apparently millions of dollars) and then finally realising that you will never actually get your money back or the money promised – that was enough to make you feel sick and wander how certain people in that company slept at night.
Their fall back was to say that our money was always at risk and that the monthly dues of $19 and $25 was to keep the system alive and to cover the tools and training and LOL to pay the people in the matrix. What a crock if you had to see the tools and training not to mention the promised email codes that you were given allowing you to send a campaign out to 10000 prospects at a time. Trust me I tracked my campaigns.
So what were they doing?
You guessed it – NOTHING! The average person had to pay $44 every month or they would lose their spot in the matrix. So naturally you kept forking out $44 because you were promised a pay day of lots of $200 and $400 checks when your ID reached the top of the matrix.
What a croc! The money invested was to feed the greedy pigs in that company. It seems the same lot of people got paid over and over again. Janet at the end of all of this (and may I say 6 years later when I was probably about 3 months away from actually getting some of my money back or thinking I was), without notice closed the doors and stated that the company had battled over the years and that they had no money left and that they had put their own cash in to pay people out every month. So where did it all go, I guess we will never know. Shortly after that the site went offline and Janet and the rest of the scammers disappeared.
Until today that is when I did a quick search and discovered where she is hiding out now – and you will not believe it when I show you, because she has a redirect from to her new place on the internet and it isn’t pretty! So this will be your warning from me and my way of giving back to those that lost their life there and of course to tell you to stay away from her new project or scam or whatever you want to call it.
Proof of the SCAM
So let’s back track a little. I continually monitored my position in their matrix. I actually monitored my rankings within their system every day. In fact I had software developed that I paid for in order to check my positions in the 2 Matrix’s that I had pumped allot of money into.
You can see the software I had developed here:
Cycle Calculator
Matrix Report
So naturally I had a vested interest in making sure I was not getting scammed. In 2004-2005 the $2500-3000 I put in was allot of money (especially back then) for me and boy was I taken for a ride. Every month since then $44 up until then end of 2011. If you add that up – it’s around $6000. My pay-out was only going to cover that, but the important thing to note here is the time I spent waiting and checking and contacting support and analysing data, that would come close to 6 figures if you worked it out by the hour based on what I charge clients for my services today. So yes it did in fact effect me in many ways, and I am sure the countless people that were conned into handing over their hard earned money.
Talk about NO Accountability
Yes, before you say it – why get involved in something with a matrix? Well for starters Janet Wilson whom I was told could be trusted and was apparently trying to help people – “apparently”. I was referred by a guy called Inatio (something like that) my Empowerism ID was 99392 (not sure if that meant I was number 99392 in the company – that would or should have been warning sign right. The warning sign though should have been when my sponsor jumped ship. I got a very nice email from him because I was in regular communication with him. He kindly said that he was leaving and giving up his position in the matrix because he did not agree with the company’s way of doing business and the way he was being treated. By then though I had already committed my savings. Logging into that system you see the same bunch of marketers in the top referral column. Stone Evans and a few others that I would suggest you stay well away from. Our monthly’s in my opinion went to feed those people and not the actual people that helped build that company.
At the end of the day we were told “well you didn’t bring in enough people, so its basically your fault”, fair or not that was the reality of how so many people lost their shirt off their back. So many people put so much time and effort in, so many people got paid, so many more people never got paid. People who had balances in their accounts lost it. Hey we all thought it was a safe bet, but that is all it was a lousy bet. You would have been better off betting on red or black in Vegas, these people knew that, but the internet was still new back then (very new) and review sites were not as popular as they are today. In today’s online market, you can no longer get away with stuff like that though. So naturally Janet is trying to keep her nose clean. Problem is its a little too late because if anything today and it has always been this way, but more so today, you have to treat your customers properly, you have to treat them with respect, you cannot just take someone’s money anymore, you have to deliver real value and integrity, of which Empowersim delivered NONE!
So if you want to see where Empowerism scammers hang out now days – go check out the redirect for (type it in a web browser) it will blow your mind. In fact its rather fitting that you could associate what they are doing now days with that of a glutton, which in the case of Empowerism was our hard earned money which has now come back full circle.
So whats the take away from this. Here are my top 11 tips to go along with this.
1) Do your research,
2) check into the people that run a company,
3) Be weary buying anything from or associated with Janet Wilson
4) Not all review sites are deceptive,
5) Be weary buying anything from or associated with Janet Wilson
6) Listen to some mentors, not all mentors should be a mentor
7) Anything with a matrix or pyramid scheme should be thoroughly investigated (the word ponsie comes to mind)
8) There are loads of HCG Diet companies, be careful who you choose to do business with
9) Be weary buying anything from or associated with Janet Wilson
10) check out their background
11) Don’t put all your eggs in one basked, doesnt matter if its a bank vault!
That is it for today. Hope you enjoyed my rant release.
Barron Nel
Barron Media Group