Internet Marketing

Dallas SEO Qamar Zaman Explains Voice Tech SEO


Oct 7, 2020 (UNI/Media Officers): Today, SEO doesn’t just concern what kind of keywords you put into a blog post or web page. It also considers whether your web page is mobile-friendly, loads fast, and includes relevant content. These elements have grown more important for SEO as internet users have grown more intelligent. However, the next big change for SEO is going to be through voice technology. It will not only change the way keywords are selected but how SEO works altogether.

More Conversational SEO

Through voice tech, consumers are becoming more used to longer queries and questions. In fact, interacting with smartphones and smart speakers has become more conversational. In 2018, Mary Meeker, internet trends specialist, found that 70% of English voice searchers were made in conversational language. Hence, SEO will have to adapt to being more conversational in the long term. This will entail creating conversational SEO terms.  

Content that is meant for marketing purposes will also have to be more conversational. Not only will consumers want answers to their queries to be more accessible, but much more conversational.

Device-Based SEO

Gartner has predicted that nearly 30% of all online searches in 2020 will be made with devices without a screen. Here, the implication is those devices are smart speakers. If the screen-less search is becoming so common, SEO will have to take in to account more than keywords.

In fact, SEO will have to take into account the type of device the content is for in the future. As of now, mobile-friendly SEO is heavily relied upon to drive traffic. However, rather than being an alternative to desktop-based content, mobile devices have specialized content delivery.

Search engines give mobile devices specialized content results for searches such as apps and services. Since they’re not meant to run on desktops, these content results aren’t featured on desktops or laptops.

Similarly, SEO will have to adapt to serve smart speakers. Here, the content will have to be shaped to be understood and communicated easily through speech. Long paragraphs, detailed descriptions, etc. will not fly.

About Qamar Zaman

Qamar Zaman is an international SEO expert based in Dallas, TX.  His top clients include governments, banks, law firms, hospitals. Zaman is a founder of KISS PR and a Forbes Agency Council.  Follow Zaman on his Instagram profile to get the lest tech advisory.



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