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Designing, creating, and modifying AutoCAD files requires a computer running AutoCAD and a graphics tablet. Because of the high cost of graphics tablets, only a few are typically carried on designers’ workstations. The tablet is like a small screen to show the AutoCAD drawing. The tablet’s flat surface can be adjusted to create a drawing surface that is perfect for each type of drawing, and the settings can be saved and recalled later.
Below is a list of some of the more useful features of AutoCAD (or AutoCAD LT).
Object and Link Data
Understanding object and link data is essential for working in AutoCAD. Object and link data can be defined as the associated data about an object. Every object has three types of data associated with it. These are:
Object data: This data has an impact on the operation of the object. Some common types of object data include:
Color and Appearance
Fill patterns
Text style
Height and depth
These are common types of data that an AutoCAD user can change on an object. Object data can be set to a value or form that is different from the original data.
Data Linking: Data linking is the ability to associate an object with another object. This association is used for creating a template. Data linking has two forms:
Object Linking: Object linking is the ability to link objects together. Two or more objects can be linked together by using object linking. Object linking can also be defined as the ability to associate objects with specific other objects. Object linking enables a user to define a specific object and a range of values that can be assigned to that object.
Group Linking: Group linking is the ability to link an object with a set of objects.
Link Types
Link types define how linked data works. Link types fall into two broad categories:
Operations: Operations are common operations that can be performed on linked objects, such as the modification of color and style data.
Display: Display is the process that takes place when linked objects are displayed. In AutoCAD, linked objects can be displayed on a 2D or 3D view.
Link Types Defined by Link Types
Below is a list of the most common link types that are predefined in AutoCAD.
1. Internal (default link type
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Commands and Tools
The most commonly used tools are the commands and tools which are available in the interface. A number of key commands are only available through the interface, such as the Window and View Commands, and the Measure tool. The Window and View Command subcommands can be used to toggle between different views of the drawing, such as showing all objects, only the current drawing, or a single view, such as the last view. The Measure tool can be used to measure objects such as dimensions, surfaces and angles, as well as to check the quantities of objects in a drawing. A number of tools are used in a manner similar to that of tools found in other CAD programs. The most commonly used tools are the Line tool, the Circle tool, the Arc tool and the Rectangle tool.
A number of tools are available in the Drawing panel of the interface, including the Option Tools panel which provides various settings, the Delete tool for deleting parts of drawings, the Paintbrush tool for drawing shapes, the Pencil tool for drawing shapes on screen, the Eraser tool for erasing existing shapes on screen, the Swatch tool for creating and editing custom shapes and the Hand tools for moving, rotating and positioning objects on screen. A number of options are also available in the drawing panel, including floating, snapping to grid, snap modes and snapping, which can be used to alter the display of objects, as well as various properties for displaying objects, such as fill color and line weight.
The Drafting toolbar in the upper right-hand corner of the screen provides a number of tools, including drawing line styles, such as dashed and dotted lines, a measurement tool, the Intersection, Dissolve, Isoline, Curve and Arc tools, the Switch tool for switching between shapes and the Underline tool for adding outlines to an existing line.
In addition, there are a large number of specialized tools available for editing objects and features, including the DesignCenter, which is used to edit features such as splines and spline segments, the Draftsman tool for drawing splines and curves, the Axes tool for editing scales and coordinates and the MText tool for adding and editing text.
User-defined commands can also be used. Users can create their own commands by creating an AutoLISP file, which is a type of programming language that enables users to create their own commands and tools, or by programming in Visual LISP or using the Visual Basic for Applications or Visual C#
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3-11. Click on OK.
What’s New In AutoCAD?
Understand the details with enhanced visibility. Zoom in, out, and throughout models and drawings, enhance the visibility of line and edge details, and access every command in the ribbon. (video: 1:47 min.)
Schedule annotations in Model DB for next sync. Arrange to sync drawing annotations as they change, and access them in the on-screen model, from any workspace. (video: 2:33 min.)
Draw and Edit:
Deliver your best designs quickly, easily, and repeatedly. Bring your designs to life with new and improved model and text editing tools. (video: 2:18 min.)
Make changes, add annotations, and enhance drawings as you design and edit. Quickly add the tools to work with any design, apply styles, and enhance your drawings. (video: 1:36 min.)
Take full advantage of the built-in performance improvements, and add new tools to your productivity experience. Easily link model and annotation items, open up complex drawing layouts, and work with layered models. (video: 2:41 min.)
Enhance your designs with features that save time and create better drawings. Use both of Autodesk’s drawing tools in a single drawing, with a single tool bar. (video: 2:27 min.)
Design to Adapt:
Create new ways to work in AutoCAD. Add new customization tools and enhancements to your drawing and modeling experience. (video: 3:45 min.)
Build the custom solutions you need to take advantage of all your AutoCAD models. Customize your drawing experience with the customization features in the ribbon. (video: 3:10 min.)
Continue to expand the possibilities of your drawings. With features to take advantage of workflows beyond AutoCAD’s traditional tools, you can use a single drawing to move, edit, and manipulate models from multiple applications. (video: 1:59 min.)
Take Advantage of AI:
Become more productive with AI-driven applications. Discover new ways to use AI to make your workflow more efficient, and to unlock the power of your designs. (video: 2:20 min.)
Envision new applications for AI-powered tools. See how AI technology can create a solution for your design and modeling challenges. (video: 1:51 min.)
Design with AI-driven creativity. Use AI-driven
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7/8, 8.1, 10 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.80GHz or faster
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 8800GT or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 8 GB available space
Sound: DirectX Compatible sound card
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Other: Controller, keyboard, mouse
Before you begin:
This game requires at least 2.3GB of hard disk space.