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Thunderbird Email Recovery Tool V120 Serial ~REPACK~ ⏭

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Thunderbird Email Recovery Tool V120 Serial

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Thunderbird Email Recovery Tool V.1.2.0 Serial
Thunderbird Email Recovery Tool V.1.2.0 Serial
Thunderbird Email Recovery Tool V.1.2.0 Serial
Thunderbird Email Recovery Tool V.1.2.0 Serial
Thunderbird Email Recovery Tool V.1.2.0 Serial
Thunderbird Email Recovery Tool V.1.2.0 Serial
Thunderbird Email Recovery Tool V.1.2.0 Serial
UN says situation in Darfur ‘critical’ as fighting continues

UNITED NATIONS: The war in western Sudan’s Darfur region has continued for days despite a ceasefire deal reached on Friday, with clashes between rebels and government forces and inter-tribal fighting in some areas, a UN humanitarian official said on Monday.

“As of the beginning of today, almost as many people have been killed since yesterday’s ceasefire as died since the war began,” said Kathleen Parks, UN humanitarian coordinator for Sudan.

“In some areas, the situation is critical. People are confined to their homes, refugees are being told to return to areas from which they have been displaced and some are left without protection or shelter because of bad weather and lack of access,” Parks told a news briefing.

The war, which began in February 2003, left some 300,000 dead and 2.7 million people displaced. Of this number, more than 1.4 million people are in Darfur, the westernmost of Sudan’s three states.

Parks said in most of Sudan, some 700,000 refugees were concentrated in Darfur refugee camps on January 1.

“While the government has allowed us to access those camps, we are not allowed to go and actually assess the needs of people and try to help them,” she said.

Parks said the UN has urgent requirements, particularly for food, shelter and water. However, the country’s roads are blocked and the UN needs vehicles to transport aid.

“We cannot get them out of the bush,” she said.

The number of displaced people in the region stood at 603,000 on January 1, up from 308,000 a year earlier, the UNHCR said last week.

Parks said the food situation was dire, with the International Committee of the Red Cross reporting that people were eating parched wheat and maize, which was not

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