
JGSL Crack Download [Win/Mac]


The primary goal of the Java Graphics Scripting Language (JGSL) is to create a simple yet powerful language that will allow non-programmers to access the graphics capabilities of Java.
There are many scripting languages available in the Java open source arena but the JGSL will distinguish itself by providing a programming environment focused on computer graphics. This language can be a useful tool for teaching non-technical users the concepts and uses of computer.
The selection of the Java platform for the basis of this scripting language is a natural one. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) offers feature rich object-oriented language that provides type safety, automatic memory management, multi-threading and platform neutral code execution.
The Java 5 Standard Edition (version 1.5) platform contains the Java Application Programming Interface (API), which provides a rich set of 2D and 3D graphics capabilities.
The JGSL will use and extend these capabilities to implement its scripting language environment. Get JGSL and take it for a test drive to see what it’s all about!


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JGSL is intended to be as simple to use as possible, and as powerful as needed. It offers procedural, object oriented and data oriented programming constructs. JGSL’s basic constructs are very similar to Java’s basic data types. Objects are defined as a class with member variables and methods. JGSL’s objects are initialized with Java’s objects.
JGSL includes the capability to read and write data and create and manipulate images.
Image data can be stored in a single array or list. JGSL takes care of the memory management for array or list data.
Java and JGSL offer several “stream” data types to process large amounts of data: Byte Arrays, ArrayLists, Character Arrays and Character ArrayLists.
JGSL has equivalent classes to the java.awt classes, Image Classes for handling images, Font Classes for text, and so on. JGSL includes these classes.
JGSL also includes a script engine (Methods for execution and syntax checking) that will allow you to invoke image processing methods from a script to create images or manipulate them.
The basic syntax of JGSL scripts look like java code. When JGSL starts interpreting the script, it assumes the script is Java code. This can be exploited to create scripts from scratch (especially if you are a java programmer). Alternatively, Java code may be created with JGSL for later use in Java source files.
Syntax can be included directly in JGSL scripts with java-like syntax. These are not interpreted.
You can also define your own syntax with a java-like language. A simple example is given below.
Create an image object and set the background color to red.
void redbg(int x, int y, int w, int h)
Image image = new Image(“background.jpg”);
image.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0));
image.setSize(w, h);
image.setPosition(x, y);
The above code snippet demonstrates the syntax of the basic constructs and data types available in JGSL.
Read the JGSL documentation, for more information. The documentation is a collection of example scripts that demonstrate the capabilities of JGSL, along with help topics for beginners and documentation for frequently used classes and methods.
If you find a bug or need help with JGSL, send email

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JGSL 2022 Crack (Java Graphics Scripting Language) is a simple yet powerful language that will allow non-programmers to access the graphics capabilities of Java.
Using the existing Java platform, JGSL provides a number of features, such as:

Object-Oriented Programming. JGSL can be structured in a similar way to any other Java object-oriented language.
Functional Programming. JGSL can be written using a functional style.
Relational Database Access. Basic database functionality can be implemented into JGSL to allow for the access of relational databases.
Scripting. JGSL scripts can be compiled or interpreted.
Scripting engines. JGSL has a built-in scripting engine.

Writing JGSL. JGSL scripts can be built using one of two scripting languages (NOVA Pro or AS 2).
Supporting cross-platform scripting. JGSL can be deployed and run on most operating systems supported by Java.
Scripting editors. JGSL scripting may be done using custom extensions of Java editors.

Example Scripting. A simple example of a JGSL script is listed below.

// This is a standard import statement
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.text.Document;

public class HelloJGSL {
/* Start the main method to render a simple ‘Hello World’ message. */
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame(“Hello JGSL”);
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(500, 500, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
frame.setSize(500, 500);

Graphics graphics = image.getGraphics();
graphics.fillOval(200, 250, 50,

JGSL Crack + Free Download

The Java Graphics Scripting Language (JGSL) is a free, open-source Java language.
Features of the JGSL are:
– Extensible: The JGSL can be extended with new commands, functions, class libraries, etc.
– Easy: The syntax of the JGSL is designed to be as easy to understand as possible.
– Versatile: The JGSL is designed for creating scripts for 3D, 2D, 2D-Transformation, 2D-Bezier, 2D-Path 2D-PDF 2D-Vector 2D-Image 2D-Animation, Gameplay and Sound, 2D-Resizing, 2D-Bitmap, 2D-Fill-Color, 2D-Transparent, 2D-Title Bar, or 2D-Widget graphic elements.
– Support: The JGSL provides support for every feature provided by Java 5.
The learning curve is not steep for the beginner.
JGSL List of Features:
– Extensibility: The JGSL is designed to be an extensible language. There are many features the developer will add to the language with commands, functions and classes, etc.
– Easiness: It is designed to be as easy to use as possible.
– Versatility: There are many commands and functions to create a script for 3D graphics, 2D graphics, 2D-Transformation, 2D-Bezier, 2D-Path, 2D-PDF, 2D-Vector, 2D-Image, 2D-Animation, Gameplay and Sound, 2D-Resizing, 2D-Bitmap, 2D-Fill-Color, 2D-Transparent, 2D-Title Bar and 2D-Widget graphic elements.
– Support: The language is supported by every feature in Java 5.
– New: It can also be used to create new commands, functions and libraries.
– Improvement: There are lots of improvements and bug fixes as we move forward.
Who’s Behind JGSL?
The JGSL was developed by the Java Community Process (JCP) as a part of the Java Language Summit (JLS). It was introduced as Java 2D Scripting (J2DS) and then renamed to JGSL. It is developed as an open source project, and its source code is available at

What’s New In JGSL?

JGSL provides a simple yet powerful scripting language that will allow non-programmers to access the graphics capabilities of Java.
JGSL consists of some basic commands that are common among most scripting languages:
Choose commands:
Acquire types of components from a Set
Dispose of
Revert to default
Set name of component (or class)
Set Z value
Start timers
This is the core of the scripting language of JGSL. It consists of some basic commands that are common among most scripting languages. These commands are similar to the fundamental concepts of C or BASIC. The most visible are:
Choose — This is the directory where user can type in commands.
Acquire — This is a command that loads the content of the specified file in memory and executes it.
Create — This is a command that creates a new object.
Dispose — This is a command that in JGSL is different from the dispose command of most other languages in that JGSL keeps track of the reference of a component and so they are not deleted.
Move — This is a command that in JGSL is different from the ‘absolute move’ of most other languages in that JGSL ensures that it moves the object to the specified position.
Resize — This is a command that in JGSL is different from the resize command of most other languages in that JGSL ensures that the component changes it’s size so that the user may see the change.
Revert to default — This is a command that in JGSL is different from the default command of most other languages in that JGSL enforces the user to reset the component to it’s default state (0,0,0,0).
Save — This is a command that in JGSL is different from the save command of most other languages in that it saves the state of the component, so that the component doesn’t need to re-construct itself.
Set — This is a command that allows the user to set a variable.
Set name of component (or class) — This is a command that in JGSL allows the user to associate a name (or class name) to a component. For example, if we have two components (A and B) and if we set the name of a component A to 4, then when we type

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Processor: 1.6 GHz dual-core processor
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Graphics: Video card with DirectX 11 support
Additional Notes: System requirements may vary depending on the application being installed
Processor: 2.0 GHz dual-core processor
Memory: 2 GB RAM

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