
How to Create a Google+ Community

Google + How to Create a Community

Creating Your Google+ Community

Once you’re ready to create your community, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google+.
  2. From the drop-down menu in the upper left corner, select Communities .
  3. In the upper right corner, click Create community.
  4. Choose whether your community is public or private. Tip: You can’t change this later, so if you’re unsure, read the “Differences between public and private communities” section of this article.
    – If you click Private, you’ll also have to choose if people can search for your community.
    – If you click Public, you’ll also have to choose if people need to ask for permission to join the community.
  5. Type a name (it doesn’t need to be unique to your group) > Create community.Tip: If your community has 500 members or more, you can’t change the name. Hacked

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