E-Course Starting an Online BusinessPublications

Lesson 9 – Building Your Presence through Publication


In our last lesson, we discussed basic internet promotion.  We concluded by outlining the basic places where your customers and prospects might be online, stating that you want to make sure that you have a visible presence on those platforms.   In most cases, having multiple corporate sites online makes sense: website, social media, and forums.   However one aspect of business that is going unnoticed is publication in books, e-books and trade publications.

Businesses need to make themselves available in print, not just because it will increase awareness of their personal brand.  But also when they become available to solve problems that people are having they place themselves and their company in the position as being an expert.  And should the readers actually get the help they needed they will also further solidify their brand.

There are three ways to approach publication:

1.) Find the problem that your product or service solves and write about it.
2.) Write about your company and how it solved its own problems
3.) Write a book to others in your niche or industry

Most business books are written as #2 indicates which can work for certain companies in certain industries.   However, companies can truly benefit from #1, which is solving customer problems.  The reason that this is so effective is that readers are typically not interested in the story of a small business unless it is very well known.  On the other hand, they are interested in solving their own problems.  Therefore business owners who are willing to spell out to readers how to get relief in some areas stand a good chance of being able to pick up new customers.

In our next lesson we will discuss how companies can develop an educational portion of their business for more positive PR and additional profits.  Call us today so that we can show you how to begin to incorporate publication into your marketing mix.

Lesson 31 – Mobile Marketing Statistics

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